Our Mutual Support Circles

We run many circles a week, all focused on different themes, struggles and experiences. Reach out if you want to join an existing circle, or would like support in starting one in your community.

Relationship Anarchy Support Circle

This is a place to support those attempting to live by principles of Relationship Anarchy.

Alt-J Transformation Pods

This is a confidential support circle for those who have been accused of, or have participated in violence. This is a feminist space where together we work on how patriarchy has contributed to our violence. Part exercises, part study group, we meet every two weeks to support each others' transformation. The humans of the Second Life project and their transformative skills are an integral part of this endeavor.

Alt J Survivor Support Circle

This is an abolitionist confidential support circle for those who have been a target, victim or surivor of violence. This is a feminist space where together we work on how patriarchy and other system violence has contributed to our experiences.

Second Life Support Circle

These are peer to peer support groups for anyone suffering from the effects of incarceration.